Berdasarkan buku Andrus Kivirähk "Poo and Spring", "Karnaval dan Salad Kentang" dan "Ghost and Facebook", film ini menceritakan tentang kerinduan, persahabatan, cinta, keluarga dan ketakutan, yang sering memiliki mata besar. Petualangan karakter aneh dibumbui dengan humor Kivirähk yang hangat dan berani, dengan cerdik menenun fantasi anak -anak yang tak terbatas dan kondisi kehidupan dunia modern.
Based on Andrus Kivirähk's books "Poo and spring", "Carnival and Potato Salad" and "Ghost and Facebook", the film tells about longing, friendship, love, family and fears, which often have big eyes. The adventures of the strange characters are spiced with the characteristic warm and bold humor of Kivirähk, wittily weaving together the boundless fantasy of children and the living conditions of the modern world.
Based on Andrus Kivirähk's books "Poo and spring", "Carnival and Potato Salad" and "Ghost and Facebook", the film tells about longing, friendship, love, family and fears, which often have big eyes. The adventures of the strange characters are spiced with the characteristic warm and bold humor of Kivirähk, wittily weaving together the boundless fantasy of children and the living conditions of the modern world.
Directors: Ren Vilbre, Heiki Ernits, Mikk Mgi
Writer: Heiki Ernits, Meelis Arulepp, Oskar Lehemaa
Starring: Jan Uuspld, Peeter Oja, Mait Malmsten
Writer: Heiki Ernits, Meelis Arulepp, Oskar Lehemaa
Starring: Jan Uuspld, Peeter Oja, Mait Malmsten
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