Loganathan, seorang polisi senior diminta untuk membimbing Prakash, seorang akademis yang cerdas tetapi hati hati dan perlu mengatasi ketakutannya agar berhasil. Duo yang tidak mungkin, bekerja sama untuk menyelidiki serangkaian kasus pembunuhan, dan menyadari bahwa mereka semua saling terkait dan bahwa pembunuh berantai psikopat sedang dalam pelarian. Bisakah mereka mendapatkannya sebelum terlambat?
Loganathan, a senior cop is asked to mentor Prakash, an academically bright but faint-hearted and needs to overcome his fears in order to succeed. The unlikely duo, team up to investigate a series of murder cases, and realize all of them are interlinked and that a psychopath serial killer is on the run. Can they get hold of him before it's too late?
Loganathan, a senior cop is asked to mentor Prakash, an academically bright but faint-hearted and needs to overcome his fears in order to succeed. The unlikely duo, team up to investigate a series of murder cases, and realize all of them are interlinked and that a psychopath serial killer is on the run. Can they get hold of him before it's too late?
Directors: Vignesh Raja
Writer: Vignesh Raja, Alfred Prakash, Karthik Netha
Starring: Ashok Selvan, R Sarathkumar, Sarath Babu
Writer: Vignesh Raja, Alfred Prakash, Karthik Netha
Starring: Ashok Selvan, R Sarathkumar, Sarath Babu
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