Restore Point (2023)
114 Minm | Czech Republic, Poland | Crime, Thriller, Science Fiction | 2023-09-21
Saat ini tahun 2041 dan kesenjangan kesenjangan sosial dan ekonomi telah membuat dunia berada di ambang jurang kesenjangan. Sebuah terobosan dalam sains telah memberikan umat manusia kemampuan untuk menghidupkan kembali korban kejahatan dengan kekerasan dengan mencadangkan otak mereka setiap 2 hari. Hal ini memberikan kesempatan kepada seorang detektif muda yang ambisius untuk memecahkan kasus pasangan yang terbunuh ketika tim restorasi mampu membawa salah satu dari mereka kembali.
It’s 2041 and the gaps in social and economic inequality have left the world on the brink. A breakthrough in science has given humanity the ability to bring victims of a violent crime back to life by backing up their brain every 2 days. This allows an ambitious, young detective the opportunity to solve a case of a murdered couple when the restoration team is able to bring one of them back.
It’s 2041 and the gaps in social and economic inequality have left the world on the brink. A breakthrough in science has given humanity the ability to bring victims of a violent crime back to life by backing up their brain every 2 days. This allows an ambitious, young detective the opportunity to solve a case of a murdered couple when the restoration team is able to bring one of them back.
Directors: Robert Hloz
Writer: Zdenk Jeceln, Tomislav eka, Robert Hloz
Starring: Andrea Mohylov, Matj Hdek, Vclav Neuil
Writer: Zdenk Jeceln, Tomislav eka, Robert Hloz
Starring: Andrea Mohylov, Matj Hdek, Vclav Neuil
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