Ride (2024)
108 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Drama | 2024-06-14
Putus asa untuk mengumpulkan uang untuk perawatan kanker putrinya, pensiunan pengendara Bull bekerja sama dengan putranya yang terasing dan resor untuk perampokan untuk mengamankan pembayaran sebelum waktu habis. Tetapi setelah pencurian berjalan serba salah, menjaga uang-dan kebebasan mereka-meminta duo untuk mengalahkan sepasang petugas penegak hukum setempat, termasuk sheriff yang berpikiran keadilan yang segera menduga bahwa kunci kasusnya mungkin terletak dekat dengan rumah.
Desperate to raise money for his daughter’s cancer treatment, a retired bull rider teams up with his estranged son and resorts to robbery to secure payment before time runs out. But after the heist goes awry, keeping the money—and their freedom—requires the duo to outwit a dogged pair of local law enforcement officers, including a justice-minded sheriff who soon suspects that the key to her case may lie uncomfortably close to home.
Desperate to raise money for his daughter’s cancer treatment, a retired bull rider teams up with his estranged son and resorts to robbery to secure payment before time runs out. But after the heist goes awry, keeping the money—and their freedom—requires the duo to outwit a dogged pair of local law enforcement officers, including a justice-minded sheriff who soon suspects that the key to her case may lie uncomfortably close to home.
Directors: Jake Allyn
Writer: Jake Allyn, Josh Plasse
Starring: C Thomas Howell, Jake Allyn, Annabeth Gish
Writer: Jake Allyn, Josh Plasse
Starring: C Thomas Howell, Jake Allyn, Annabeth Gish
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