Romance on the Ranch (2024)
95 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Drama, Unknown | 2024-10-01
Saat memulai babak baru dalam hidupnya, Sara tidak membutuhkan gangguan apa pun. Menjual rumahnya, membeli kemping, dan pergi ke Barat adalah hal yang dia rasa perlu untuk menemukan kebahagiaan lagi. Saat truknya mogok di wilayah barat tengah, dia diundang untuk memarkir kempingnya di peternakan keluarga sementara truknya diperbaiki. Di sinilah gangguan datang dalam bentuk dua bersaudara yang berbeda seperti siang dan malam. Porter masih muda, kuat, dan bersemangat untuk menyenangkan.
When starting a new chapter in her life, Sara didn't need any distractions. Selling her place, buying a camper, and heading West was what she felt she needed to find happiness again. When her truck breaks down in the mid-west, she is invited to park her camper on a family ranch while her truck is repaired. Here is where the distractions come in the form of two brothers, who are as different as night and day. Porter is young, strong, and eager to please.
When starting a new chapter in her life, Sara didn't need any distractions. Selling her place, buying a camper, and heading West was what she felt she needed to find happiness again. When her truck breaks down in the mid-west, she is invited to park her camper on a family ranch while her truck is repaired. Here is where the distractions come in the form of two brothers, who are as different as night and day. Porter is young, strong, and eager to please.
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