Rudy (2023)
108 Minm | United Kingdom | Drama, Family, Romance | 2023-06-30
Terletak di jantung pedesaan Inggris, Rudy menemukan hubungannya dengan ayahnya sedang diuji. Terjebak sebagai orang tua proxy untuk adik -adiknya dan berurusan dengan kerugian baru -baru ini, dia merasa semakin didorong keluar ketika rumahnya dibuka untuk tamu yang membayar. Melalui persahabatan yang baru ditemukan dengan seorang anak laki -laki dari Coventry, dia menemukan kesenangan, kebebasan, dan otonomi, tetapi apakah itu pada pengorbanan luka keluarga yang tak terucapkan?
Set in the heart of rural England, Rudy finds her relationship with her father being tested. Stuck as a proxy parent to her younger siblings and dealing with a recent loss, she feels increasingly pushed out when her home gets opened up to a paying guest. Through a newfound friendship with a boy from Coventry, she discovers fun, freedom and autonomy, but is it at the sacrifice of unspoken family wounds?
Set in the heart of rural England, Rudy finds her relationship with her father being tested. Stuck as a proxy parent to her younger siblings and dealing with a recent loss, she feels increasingly pushed out when her home gets opened up to a paying guest. Through a newfound friendship with a boy from Coventry, she discovers fun, freedom and autonomy, but is it at the sacrifice of unspoken family wounds?
Directors: Shona Auerbach
Writer: Shona Auerbach, Diane Allton
Starring: Esther McCormick, Darren Day, Kanune Morrissey
Writer: Shona Auerbach, Diane Allton
Starring: Esther McCormick, Darren Day, Kanune Morrissey
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