Seorang wanita keturunan Jepang-Kanada bergulat dengan kematian ibunya saat dia membawa keluarganya ke tempat retret. Ketika hubungannya dengan suaminya mulai mempengaruhi keamanan emosional anak-anaknya, keluarga berubah selamanya.
A Japanese-Canadian woman grapples with the death of her mother as she brings her family to a retreat. When her relationship with her husband begins to affect the children's emotional security, the family is changed forever.
A Japanese-Canadian woman grapples with the death of her mother as she brings her family to a retreat. When her relationship with her husband begins to affect the children's emotional security, the family is changed forever.
Directors: Meredith HamaBrown
Writer: Meredith HamaBrown
Starring: Ally Maki, Luke Roberts, Chris Pang
Writer: Meredith HamaBrown
Starring: Ally Maki, Luke Roberts, Chris Pang
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