Secrets at the Museum (2023)
88 Minm | United States of America | Thriller, TV Movie | 2023-10-12
Natalie adalah artis independen yang terasing dari ayahnya. Meskipun keluarganya memiliki Museum Freeman yang terkenal, dia menggunakan nama gadis mendiang ibunya untuk merahasiakan identitasnya dari semua orang termasuk pacar artisnya, Alex. Ketika ayah Natalie meninggal, dia mengambil alih kepemilikan museum dengan bantuan asisten mendiang ayahnya, Derek. Natalie segera mengetahui bahwa seseorang telah mencuri lukisan dan menggantinya dengan lukisan palsu. Namun karena kematian ayahnya yang terlalu dini, Natalie menyadari bahwa dia bukanlah satu-satunya yang menyimpan rahasia. Dalam pencariannya akan kebenaran, Natalie menghadapi bahaya yang tidak hanya mengancam museum tetapi juga nyawanya. Mungkinkah seseorang yang dekat dengannya berniat menghancurkan museum?
Natalie is an independent artist estranged from her father. Although her family owns the prominent Freeman Museum, she uses her late mother's maiden name to keep her identity a secret from everyone including her artist boyfriend, Alex. When Natalie's father dies, she takes on ownership of the museum with the help of her late father's assistant, Derek. Natalie quickly learns that someone has been stealing paintings and replacing them with counterfeits. But due to the nature of her father's untimely death, Natalie realizes she's not the only one keeping secrets. In her search for the truth, Natalie encounters dangers that threaten not only the museum but her life as well. Could someone close to her be intent on destroying the museum?
Natalie is an independent artist estranged from her father. Although her family owns the prominent Freeman Museum, she uses her late mother's maiden name to keep her identity a secret from everyone including her artist boyfriend, Alex. When Natalie's father dies, she takes on ownership of the museum with the help of her late father's assistant, Derek. Natalie quickly learns that someone has been stealing paintings and replacing them with counterfeits. But due to the nature of her father's untimely death, Natalie realizes she's not the only one keeping secrets. In her search for the truth, Natalie encounters dangers that threaten not only the museum but her life as well. Could someone close to her be intent on destroying the museum?
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