François Sentinelle memiliki dua nyawa. Pada siang hari, ia adalah polisi paling terkenal di Pulau Réunion, yang dikenal karena metode tangguh dan kemeja berbunga -bunga, mengejar penjahat di bek kuningnya yang terkenal. Tapi sisa waktu, Sentinelle juga penyanyi yang menawan.
François Sentinelle has two lives. By day, he is the most famous cop of Réunion Island, known for his tough methods and flowery shirts, pursuing criminals in his famous yellow defender. But the rest of the time, Sentinelle is also a charming singer.
François Sentinelle has two lives. By day, he is the most famous cop of Réunion Island, known for his tough methods and flowery shirts, pursuing criminals in his famous yellow defender. But the rest of the time, Sentinelle is also a charming singer.
Directors: David Caviglioli, Hugo Benamozig
Writer: Hugo Benamozig, David Caviglioli
Starring: Jonathan Cohen, Raphal Quenard, Emmanuelle Bercot
Writer: Hugo Benamozig, David Caviglioli
Starring: Jonathan Cohen, Raphal Quenard, Emmanuelle Bercot
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