Silent as the Grave (2023)
93 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Drama, Mystery | 2023-07-26
Seorang pembuat film dokumenter yang tiada henti berjuang untuk mengungkap misteri kematian pamannya ketika musuh tak dikenal mengancam untuk menghancurkan proyek tersebut dan keluarganya.
A relentless documentary filmmaker struggles to unravel the mystery of his uncle's death as an unknown adversary threatens to destroy the project and his family.
A relentless documentary filmmaker struggles to unravel the mystery of his uncle's death as an unknown adversary threatens to destroy the project and his family.
Directors: Brad Podowski, Dan Gremley
Writer: Brad Podowski
Starring: Martin Davis, Buzz Leer, Angela Aiello
Writer: Brad Podowski
Starring: Martin Davis, Buzz Leer, Angela Aiello
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