Sins of the Preacher’s Wife (2023)
0 Minm | United States of America | Thriller, TV Movie | 2023-06-29
Di kota baru dengan bayi baru lahir dan suami yang harus bekerja sepanjang waktu, seorang ibu muda terlibat dengan gereja lokal yang sangat populer. Istri pendeta menyambutnya dengan tangan terbuka dan ia mendaftarkan bayinya di tempat penitipan anak gereja yang dikelola oleh istri pendeta. Pelan tapi pasti, nampaknya istri pengkhotbah mengambil alih tanggung jawab sebagai pengasuh utama bayinya dan membingkai ibu baru tersebut sebagai ibu yang tidak layak.
In a new town with a new baby and a husband who has to work all the time, a young mom gets involved with the highly popular local church. The preacher’s wife welcomes her with open arms and she enrolls her baby in the church’s daycare which is run by the preacher’s wife. Slowly but surely, it seems as though the preacher’s wife is taking over as the baby’s main caregiver and framing the new mom as an unfit mom.
In a new town with a new baby and a husband who has to work all the time, a young mom gets involved with the highly popular local church. The preacher’s wife welcomes her with open arms and she enrolls her baby in the church’s daycare which is run by the preacher’s wife. Slowly but surely, it seems as though the preacher’s wife is taking over as the baby’s main caregiver and framing the new mom as an unfit mom.
Directors: Glenn Ciano
Writer: Kendall Anlian
Starring: Vanessa Angel, Judson Mills, Anna Marie Dobbins
Writer: Kendall Anlian
Starring: Vanessa Angel, Judson Mills, Anna Marie Dobbins
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