Kesepian, trauma masa lalu, dan hutang membuat Dina terjebak dalam kehidupan yang rumit. Kemudian dia menemukan aktivitas panggilan tidur - kebahagiaan dan pelarian dari dunia nyata, tetapi itu mengarah pada teror dan bencana.
Loneliness, past trauma and debts keep Dina trapped in a complicated life. Then she found the Sleep Call activity - a happiness and an escape from the real world, but it leads to terror and disaster.
Loneliness, past trauma and debts keep Dina trapped in a complicated life. Then she found the Sleep Call activity - a happiness and an escape from the real world, but it leads to terror and disaster.
Directors: Fajar Nugros
Writer: Sophie Louisa, Husein M Atmodjo, Fajar Nugros
Starring: Laura Basuki, Juan Bio One, Kristo Immanuel
Writer: Sophie Louisa, Husein M Atmodjo, Fajar Nugros
Starring: Laura Basuki, Juan Bio One, Kristo Immanuel
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