Setelah malam yang gelisah, bel pintu Reiner berdering. Di depannya berdiri Morten de Sarg, yang sebenarnya adalah kematiannya. Yang mengejutkannya, ia tidak dapat membiarkan Reiner mati; Sebaliknya, bel pintu lagi berdering. Sophia berkencan dengan mantan pacarnya untuk ulang tahun ibunya Lore. Bersama-sama mereka memulai perjalanan yang pada akhirnya membawa mereka ke putra Reiner yang berusia tujuh tahun Johnny, yang sudah lama tidak dilihatnya-semuanya di bawah pengawasan ketat Tuhan dan Malaikat Agung Michaela.
After a restless night, Reiner's doorbell rings. In front of it stands Morten de Sarg, which is actually his death. To his amazement, he is unable to let Reiner die; instead, the doorbell rings again. Sophia has a date with her ex-boyfriend for his mother Lore's birthday. Together they set out on a journey that ultimately leads them to Reiner's seven-year-old son Johnny, whom he hasn't seen for ages - all under the strict supervision of God and Archangel Michaela.
After a restless night, Reiner's doorbell rings. In front of it stands Morten de Sarg, which is actually his death. To his amazement, he is unable to let Reiner die; instead, the doorbell rings again. Sophia has a date with her ex-boyfriend for his mother Lore's birthday. Together they set out on a journey that ultimately leads them to Reiner's seven-year-old son Johnny, whom he hasn't seen for ages - all under the strict supervision of God and Archangel Michaela.
Directors: Charly Hbner
Writer: Lena May Graf
Starring: Dimitrij Schaad, Anna Maria Mhe, Marc Hosemann
Writer: Lena May Graf
Starring: Dimitrij Schaad, Anna Maria Mhe, Marc Hosemann
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