Film fitur bahasa Inggris. Sekelompok enam film pendek asli, dengan berbagai gaya dan presentasi. Menampilkan elemen artistik yang menarik yang terdiri dari drama, horor, sci-fi, misteri dan kejahatan.
English feature film. a group of original six short movies, with a variety of style and presentation. featuring exciting artistic elements comprised of drama, horror, Sci-fi, mystery and crime.
English feature film. a group of original six short movies, with a variety of style and presentation. featuring exciting artistic elements comprised of drama, horror, Sci-fi, mystery and crime.
Directors: Yousef Ikhreis
Writer: Yousef Ikhreis
Starring: Yousef Ikhreis, Mohammad Fatehi, Majdi Ahmad
Writer: Yousef Ikhreis
Starring: Yousef Ikhreis, Mohammad Fatehi, Majdi Ahmad
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