Soundproof (2022)
98 Minm | United Kingdom | Crime, Drama | 2022-07-11
Kehidupan seorang ibu tunggal menjadi tidak terkendali ketika sebuah peristiwa mengejutkan mengancam perpecahan keluarganya. Dikejar oleh penjahat berbahaya, mereka melarikan diri dari kota untuk bersembunyi di karavan terpencil di pantai. Dalam perjalanannya mereka menerima bantuan orang asing, namun siapa dia dan apa yang dia sembunyikan? Soundproof adalah kisah mencekam tentang keluarga, rahasia, dan kepercayaan.
The life of a single mum spirals out of control when a shocking event threatens to tear her family apart. Pursued by a dangerous criminal, they flee the city to hide out in a remote caravan on the coast. Along the way they accept the help of a stranger, but who is he and what is he hiding? Soundproof is a gripping story about family, secrets and trust.
The life of a single mum spirals out of control when a shocking event threatens to tear her family apart. Pursued by a dangerous criminal, they flee the city to hide out in a remote caravan on the coast. Along the way they accept the help of a stranger, but who is he and what is he hiding? Soundproof is a gripping story about family, secrets and trust.
Directors: Mark Hayman, Margaret Rogerson
Starring: Georgina Rich, Ellie Bindman, Gabe Robinson
Starring: Georgina Rich, Ellie Bindman, Gabe Robinson
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