Setelah ketidakdisiplinan Gepeng, kehidupan Srimulat di ibukota tiba -tiba terbalik. Kisah cinta, karier, dan generasi komedian legendaris berlanjut!
After Gepeng's indiscipline, Srimulat's life in the capital suddenly turned upside down. The story of love, career and generations of legendary comedians continues!
After Gepeng's indiscipline, Srimulat's life in the capital suddenly turned upside down. The story of love, career and generations of legendary comedians continues!
Directors: Fajar Nugros
Writer: Fajar Nugros, Cuk FK, Nunung
Starring: Juan Bio One, Elang El Gibran, Ibnu Jamil
Writer: Fajar Nugros, Cuk FK, Nunung
Starring: Juan Bio One, Elang El Gibran, Ibnu Jamil
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