Izzy mulai mencurigai ibu tirinya dan saudara tirinya setelah kekayaan ayahnya, karena kesehatannya tiba -tiba menurun. Hidupnya berubah menjadi mimpi buruk setelah dia menemukan penggelapan dan korupsi dalam bisnis keluarganya yang akan dibunuh seseorang untuk dilindungi.
Izzy begins to suspect her new stepmother and her stepsister after her father's wealth, as his health suddenly declines. Her life turns into a nightmare after she discovers embezzlement and corruption within her family's business that somebody will kill to protect.
Izzy begins to suspect her new stepmother and her stepsister after her father's wealth, as his health suddenly declines. Her life turns into a nightmare after she discovers embezzlement and corruption within her family's business that somebody will kill to protect.
Directors: Corbin Timbrook
Writer: Hamish Briggs, Daniel Katz, Nathanael Lirio
Starring: Lexi Giovagnoli, Lorenzo Lamas, Shelby Janes
Writer: Hamish Briggs, Daniel Katz, Nathanael Lirio
Starring: Lexi Giovagnoli, Lorenzo Lamas, Shelby Janes
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