Stolen Baby: The Murder of Heidi Broussard (2023)
87 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 2023-09-23
Berdasarkan kisah nyata teman -teman terbaik Magen dan Heidi yang telah saling kenal selama satu dekade. Berpura -pura hamil pada saat yang sama dengan temannya, Magen melakukan perjalanan dari Houston ke Austin berada di sisi Heidi begitu dia mengetahui bahwa dia siap melahirkan. Namun, ketika Heidi hilang dengan putrinya yang baru lahir hanya beberapa minggu setelah melahirkan, kecurigaan tentang kesetiaan Magen dan niatnya yang sebenarnya dipertanyakan. Pihak berwenang mulai curiga bahwa dia menyembunyikan rahasia besar ketika mereka mulai mengungkap rencananya yang bengkok dan rumit.
Based on a true story of best friends Magen and Heidi who have known each other for a decade. Pretending to be pregnant at the same time as her friend, Magen makes the journey from Houston to Austin to be by Heidi’s side once she learns she is ready to give birth. However, when Heidi goes missing with her newborn daughter just a few weeks after giving birth, suspicions about Magen’s loyalty and her true intentions are questioned. Authorities begin to suspect that she is hiding a huge secret as they begin to uncover her twisted and elaborate plan.
Based on a true story of best friends Magen and Heidi who have known each other for a decade. Pretending to be pregnant at the same time as her friend, Magen makes the journey from Houston to Austin to be by Heidi’s side once she learns she is ready to give birth. However, when Heidi goes missing with her newborn daughter just a few weeks after giving birth, suspicions about Magen’s loyalty and her true intentions are questioned. Authorities begin to suspect that she is hiding a huge secret as they begin to uncover her twisted and elaborate plan.
Directors: Michelle Ouellet
Writer: Alexandra Salerno
Starring: Emily Osment, Anna Hopkins, Ian Lake
Writer: Alexandra Salerno
Starring: Emily Osment, Anna Hopkins, Ian Lake
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