7 tahun setelah kematian Tru, Six kembali ke Atlanta untuk mencari jawaban dan balas dendam. Banyak hal telah berubah di kota ini tetapi beberapa hal masih tetap sama. Pengkhianatan, kematian dan kehancuran mengikuti Sx kemanapun dia pergi. Tidak ada seorang pun yang mampu menahan kekuatan yang menjatuhkan mereka. Tidak ada yang bisa menahan Subspiral.
7 years after Tru's death, Six returns to Atlanta seeking answers and revenge. Things have changed greatly in the city but some things still remain the same. Betrayal, death and destruction follow Sx wherever he goes. No one can withstand the force that pulls them down. No one can withstand the Subspiral.
7 years after Tru's death, Six returns to Atlanta seeking answers and revenge. Things have changed greatly in the city but some things still remain the same. Betrayal, death and destruction follow Sx wherever he goes. No one can withstand the force that pulls them down. No one can withstand the Subspiral.
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