Di Sydney Barat, tempat geng-geng kriminal berkuasa, kehausan klan Yang akan kekuasaan terus mengancam kehidupan banyak orang. Keluarga Dawood adalah satu-satunya garis pertahanan melawan mereka.
In Western Sydney, where crime gangs rule, the Yang clan’s thirst for power continues to threaten the lives of many. The Dawood family is their only line of defence against them.
In Western Sydney, where crime gangs rule, the Yang clan’s thirst for power continues to threaten the lives of many. The Dawood family is their only line of defence against them.
Directors: Heidi Lee Douglas
Writer: Tsu Shan Chambers, Lily Cheng
Starring: Paul W He, Jenny Wu, Grace Huang
Writer: Tsu Shan Chambers, Lily Cheng
Starring: Paul W He, Jenny Wu, Grace Huang
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