Tiga anak Ayu, Agus dan Lara berbagi kesamaan - perjuangan mereka dan hidup di pinggiran masyarakat menyatukan mereka. Ayu menari sehingga dia bisa mendapatkan uang untuk membayar biaya sekolahnya, sementara Agus adalah pencopet dan mempraktikkan perdagangannya di stadion. Mereka bermimpi meninggalkan kehidupan kemiskinan mereka tetapi melalui berlalunya waktu, mereka telah terpisah. Sekarang bertahun -tahun kemudian sebagai orang dewasa, mereka bertemu pada waktu yang telah ditunjuk sebelumnya yang telah mereka tetapkan untuk diri mereka sendiri bertahun -tahun sebelumnya - masing -masing ingin melihat apakah teman -teman mereka telah berhasil mengubah nasib mereka.
Three children Ayu, Agus and Laras share something in common - their struggles and living on the fringes of society unite them. Ayu dances so she can get money to pay for her school fees, while Agus is a pickpocket and practices his trade at the stadium. They dream of leaving their lives of poverty but through the passage of time, they have drifted apart. Now many years later as adults, they meet at the pre-appointed time that they had set for themselves many years before - each one eager to see if their friends have managed to change their fates.
Three children Ayu, Agus and Laras share something in common - their struggles and living on the fringes of society unite them. Ayu dances so she can get money to pay for her school fees, while Agus is a pickpocket and practices his trade at the stadium. They dream of leaving their lives of poverty but through the passage of time, they have drifted apart. Now many years later as adults, they meet at the pre-appointed time that they had set for themselves many years before - each one eager to see if their friends have managed to change their fates.
Directors: Pritagita Arianegara
Writer: Rio Silaen, Rien Al Anshari
Starring: Acha Septriasa, Reza Rahadian, Andien Aisyah
Writer: Rio Silaen, Rien Al Anshari
Starring: Acha Septriasa, Reza Rahadian, Andien Aisyah
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