Surviving the Sleepover (2024)
85 Minm | United States of America | Thriller | 2024-03-23
Mengalami masalah di sekolah menengah barunya, remaja yang blak -blakan, Hannah diundang untuk menginap di rumah Melissa yang populer, tidak menyadari bahwa dia hanya diundang untuk menjadi korban lelucon - tetapi ketika malam berubah lebih menyeramkan daripada yang dimaksudkan ibu Hannah akan menjadi satu -satunya kesempatan untuk bertahan hidup di malam hari.
Having trouble fitting in at her new high school, outspoken teen Hannah is invited to a sleepover at the popular Melissa’s house, not realizing she was only invited to be the victim of a prank–but when the night turns more sinister than intended Hannah’s mother will become her only chance of surviving the night.
Having trouble fitting in at her new high school, outspoken teen Hannah is invited to a sleepover at the popular Melissa’s house, not realizing she was only invited to be the victim of a prank–but when the night turns more sinister than intended Hannah’s mother will become her only chance of surviving the night.
Directors: Patricia Frontain
Writer: Richard Pierce
Starring: Joshua Bertell, Jenna Hogan, Sloan Mannino
Writer: Richard Pierce
Starring: Joshua Bertell, Jenna Hogan, Sloan Mannino
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