Seorang ibu tunggal berusia dua puluh delapan tahun mendengar berita meresahkan tentang kanker payudara stadium tiga; menyebabkan dua saudara perempuan yang terasing menghadapi rahasia keluarga dan menghentikan keheningan.
A twenty-eight year old single mother hears the unsettling news of stage three breast cancer; causing two estranged sisters to confront family secrets and stop the silence.
A twenty-eight year old single mother hears the unsettling news of stage three breast cancer; causing two estranged sisters to confront family secrets and stop the silence.
Directors: Deseria Denell
Writer: Thomas R Carter
Starring: Tameika Buggage, Emerald Bougere, April M Grant
Writer: Thomas R Carter
Starring: Tameika Buggage, Emerald Bougere, April M Grant
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