Taken from Rio Bravo (2024)
80 Minm | United States of America | Action, Western | 2024-02-23
1874, Texas Timur. Dua teman mengejar pos, sekelompok pedagang manusia sadis yang telah menculik lima wanita. Bersama dengan pramuka India, mereka berlomba melawan waktu untuk menemukan dan membebaskan para wanita sebelum para pedagang menjualnya kepada pembeli budak seks di perbatasan Meksiko.
1874, East Texas. Two friends pursue the Posse, a group of sadistic human traffickers who have kidnapped five women. Along with an Indian scout, they race against time to find and free the women before the traffickers sell them to sex-slave buyers at the Mexican border.
1874, East Texas. Two friends pursue the Posse, a group of sadistic human traffickers who have kidnapped five women. Along with an Indian scout, they race against time to find and free the women before the traffickers sell them to sex-slave buyers at the Mexican border.
Directors: Joe Cornet
Writer: Alexander Nevsky, Craig Hamann
Starring: Alexander Nevsky, Cynthia Rothrock, Matthias Hues
Writer: Alexander Nevsky, Craig Hamann
Starring: Alexander Nevsky, Cynthia Rothrock, Matthias Hues