Sepasang suami istri datang ke Kalimpong untuk berlibur. Mereka memesan sebuah bungalow yang dikabarkan berhantu. Selama mereka tinggal, mereka mengalami beberapa aktivitas paranormal yang berujung pada pembunuhan. Kemudian penyelidikan dimulai dan misteri seputar rumah tersebut pun terpecahkan.
A married couple has come to Kalimpong for a vacation. They book a bungalow which is rumoured to be haunted. During their stay, they experience some paranormal activities which lead to murder. Then investigating starts and the mystery surrounding the house is also solved.
A married couple has come to Kalimpong for a vacation. They book a bungalow which is rumoured to be haunted. During their stay, they experience some paranormal activities which lead to murder. Then investigating starts and the mystery surrounding the house is also solved.
Directors: Haranath Chakraborty
Writer: Hindole Chakraborty, Padmanabha Dasgupta
Starring: Ranjit Mallick, Ritwick Chakraborty, Parno Mittra
Writer: Hindole Chakraborty, Padmanabha Dasgupta
Starring: Ranjit Mallick, Ritwick Chakraborty, Parno Mittra
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