Atya, seorang wanita berusia 27 tahun yang hidupnya jatuh setelah diputuskan secara sepihak oleh DiGa. Seolah -olah dia belum cukup dibuang oleh pacarnya sejak sekolah menengah, dia juga kehilangan pekerjaannya. Suatu hari Atya mengalami kecelakaan dalam perjalanan pulang dari reuni sekolah menengah. Begitu dia bangun, dia mendapati dirinya terlempar kembali sepuluh tahun ketika dia masih berusia 17 tahun. Dia juga mencoba untuk memperbaiki situasi sehingga di masa depan hubungannya dengan DiGa dapat bertahan lama. Tapi alam semesta punya rencana lain.
Atya, a 27-year-old woman whose life has fallen after being decided unilaterally by Diga. As if she hasn't had enough of being dumped by her boyfriend since high school, she also loses her job. One day Atya has an accident on her way home from a high school reunion. As soon as she wakes up, she finds herself thrown back ten years when he was still 17 years old. She also tries to improve the situation so that in the future her relationship with Diga can last. But the universe had other plans.
Atya, a 27-year-old woman whose life has fallen after being decided unilaterally by Diga. As if she hasn't had enough of being dumped by her boyfriend since high school, she also loses her job. One day Atya has an accident on her way home from a high school reunion. As soon as she wakes up, she finds herself thrown back ten years when he was still 17 years old. She also tries to improve the situation so that in the future her relationship with Diga can last. But the universe had other plans.
Directors: Adis Kayl Yurahmah
Writer: Mutiarini, Nuridzka Mutiaradini, Lintang Pramudya Wardani
Starring: Hanggini Purinda Retto, Jourdy Pranata, Michael Olindo
Writer: Mutiarini, Nuridzka Mutiaradini, Lintang Pramudya Wardani
Starring: Hanggini Purinda Retto, Jourdy Pranata, Michael Olindo
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