The 4:30 Movie (2024)
88 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Unknown | 2024-09-13
Pada musim panas 1986, tiga teman berusia enam belas tahun menghabiskan hari Sabtu mereka menyelinap ke film di multipleks lokal. Tetapi ketika salah satu dari mereka juga mengundang gadis mimpinya untuk melihat komedi terbaru, masing -masing remaja belajar lebih banyak tentang kehidupan dan cinta.
In the summer of 1986, three sixteen year old friends spend their Saturdays sneaking into movies at the local multiplex. But when one of the guys also invites the girl of his dreams to see the latest comedy, each of the teens learn more about life and love.
In the summer of 1986, three sixteen year old friends spend their Saturdays sneaking into movies at the local multiplex. But when one of the guys also invites the girl of his dreams to see the latest comedy, each of the teens learn more about life and love.
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