The Adventures of Jurassic Pet 2: The Lost Secret (2023)
84 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Family, Science Fiction | 2023-05-04
Ada bayi baru T. Rex di kota – dan namanya Junior! Ketika Junior melarikan diri ke dunia kita dari Negeri Dinosaurus, remaja Wendy dan temannya, Curtis, harus mengembalikannya dengan selamat sebelum ada yang menemukannya.
There's a new baby T. Rex in town – and his name is Junior! When Junior escapes into our world from the Land of the Dinosaurs, teenager Wendy and her friend, Curtis, must return him safely before anyone finds him.
There's a new baby T. Rex in town – and his name is Junior! When Junior escapes into our world from the Land of the Dinosaurs, teenager Wendy and her friend, Curtis, must return him safely before anyone finds him.
Directors: Ryan Bellgardt
Writer: Chris Hoyt, Jerome ReygnerKalfon, Sebastien Semon
Starring: Sophie Proctor, Myles CurrinMoore, Ryan Francis
Writer: Chris Hoyt, Jerome ReygnerKalfon, Sebastien Semon
Starring: Sophie Proctor, Myles CurrinMoore, Ryan Francis
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