Raia adalah penulis terkenal yang menderita blok penulis. Untuk mendapatkan inspirasi lagi, ia kemudian pergi ke New York. Di kota itulah Raia bertemu River dan kemudian terlibat dalam kisah cinta yang dibayangi oleh masa lalu.
Raia is a famous writer who suffers from writer's block. In order to get inspired again, he then went to New York. It was in that city that Raia met River and then got involved in a love story that was overshadowed by the past.
Raia is a famous writer who suffers from writer's block. In order to get inspired again, he then went to New York. It was in that city that Raia met River and then got involved in a love story that was overshadowed by the past.
Directors: Teddy Soeriaatmadja
Writer: Ika Natassa, Alim Sudio, Ika Natassa
Starring: Nicholas Saputra, Putri Marino, Jerome Kurnia
Writer: Ika Natassa, Alim Sudio, Ika Natassa
Starring: Nicholas Saputra, Putri Marino, Jerome Kurnia
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