The Bastard Sons (2024)
83 Minm | United States of America | Crime, Drama, Thriller | 2024-01-05
Kehidupan sekelompok penjahat terorganisir terganggu ketika ayah Vincent Damiano, bos keluarga, dibunuh. Saudara laki-laki Vincent yang "bajingan", sekelompok jiwa yatim piatu yang dibesarkannya bersama, mempunyai gagasan tentang siapa yang membunuh ayah mereka... rekannya, Roma. Dalam upaya yang berani dan penuh perhitungan untuk mendapatkan kembali bisnis dan melakukan pembalasan terhadap Roma, para Bajingan mengobarkan perang habis-habisan untuk mendapatkan keuntungan mereka.
Life for a crew of organized criminals is disrupted when Vincent Damiano's father, the family's boss, is murdered. Vincent's "bastard" brothers, a group of orphaned souls he raised together, have an idea of who killed their father...his partner Rome. In a valiant and calculated attempt to regain the business and enact vengeance on Rome, the Bastards wage an all-out war to get their pound of flesh.
Life for a crew of organized criminals is disrupted when Vincent Damiano's father, the family's boss, is murdered. Vincent's "bastard" brothers, a group of orphaned souls he raised together, have an idea of who killed their father...his partner Rome. In a valiant and calculated attempt to regain the business and enact vengeance on Rome, the Bastards wage an all-out war to get their pound of flesh.
Directors: Kevin Interdonato
Writer: Kevin Interdonato, Glenn Rodriguez
Starring: Al Sapienza, Charles Malik Whitfield, Anastasia Ganias
Writer: Kevin Interdonato, Glenn Rodriguez
Starring: Al Sapienza, Charles Malik Whitfield, Anastasia Ganias
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