The Beautiful Game (2024)
125 Minm | United States of America, United Kingdom | Drama | 2024-03-22
Sekelompok advokat untuk mengakhiri tunawisma menyelenggarakan turnamen tahunan bagi para tunawisma untuk bersaing dalam serangkaian pertandingan sepak bola yang dikenal sebagai Piala Dunia Tunawisma.
A group of advocates to end homelessness organize an annual tournament for homeless people to compete in a series of football matches known as The Homeless World Cup.
A group of advocates to end homelessness organize an annual tournament for homeless people to compete in a series of football matches known as The Homeless World Cup.
Directors: Thea Sharrock
Writer: Frank Cottrell Boyce
Starring: Bill Nighy, Micheal Ward, Valeria Golino
Writer: Frank Cottrell Boyce
Starring: Bill Nighy, Micheal Ward, Valeria Golino
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