The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial (2023)
109 Minm | United States of America | Drama, War | 2023-09-03
Barney Greenwald, seorang pengacara yang skeptis, dengan enggan membela seorang perwira Angkatan Laut yang mengambil kendali atas Kain dari kaptennya, Letnan Philip Francis Queeg, sambil terperangkap dalam badai laut yang kejam. Namun, ketika pengadilan militer, Greenwald semakin mempertanyakan apakah itu benar-benar pemberontakan atau lebih tepatnya tindakan berani dari sekelompok pelaut yang tidak dapat mempercayai pemimpin mereka yang tidak stabil.
Barney Greenwald, a skeptical lawyer, reluctantly defends an officer of the navy who took control of the Caine from its captain, Lt. Philip Francis Queeg, while caught in a violent sea storm. As the court-martial proceeds, however, Greenwald increasingly questions if it was truly a mutiny or rather the courageous acts of a group of sailors who could not trust their unstable leader.
Barney Greenwald, a skeptical lawyer, reluctantly defends an officer of the navy who took control of the Caine from its captain, Lt. Philip Francis Queeg, while caught in a violent sea storm. As the court-martial proceeds, however, Greenwald increasingly questions if it was truly a mutiny or rather the courageous acts of a group of sailors who could not trust their unstable leader.
Directors: William Friedkin
Writer: William Friedkin, Herman Wouk
Starring: Kiefer Sutherland, Jason Clarke, Jake Lacy
Writer: William Friedkin, Herman Wouk
Starring: Kiefer Sutherland, Jason Clarke, Jake Lacy
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