Setelah 20 tahun berperang, sekelompok alien menghasut serangan menyelinap terhadap umat manusia. Dalam menghadapi bencana yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya ini, polisi berdiri melawan serangga dan binatang buas untuk memulai perjuangan hidup dan mati, bersumpah untuk melindungi tanah air mereka.
Following 20 years of being at war, a group of aliens instigate a sneak attack on the human race. In the face of this unprecedented disaster, the police stand up to the bugs and beasts to start a life-and-death struggle, sworn to protect their homeland.
Following 20 years of being at war, a group of aliens instigate a sneak attack on the human race. In the face of this unprecedented disaster, the police stand up to the bugs and beasts to start a life-and-death struggle, sworn to protect their homeland.
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