The Christmas Pledge (2023)
95 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Drama, Romance | 2023-11-01
June dan Declan, yang pernah berselisih, terpaksa bekerja sama di stasiun TV lokal untuk menjauhkan June dari pengawasan ayahnya. Ketika ide konser Natal mereka gagal menyelamatkan stasiun tersebut, mereka harus memikirkan inti permasalahannya.
June and Declan, once at odds, are forced to work together at a local TV station to keep June out from under her father's thumb. When their Christmas concert idea fails to save the station, they must look to the heart of the matter.
June and Declan, once at odds, are forced to work together at a local TV station to keep June out from under her father's thumb. When their Christmas concert idea fails to save the station, they must look to the heart of the matter.
Directors: James Temple
Writer: Philip Sondericker, James R Temple
Starring: Isabelle Almoyan, David Michael Reardon, Wes Deitrick
Writer: Philip Sondericker, James R Temple
Starring: Isabelle Almoyan, David Michael Reardon, Wes Deitrick
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