The Color Purple (2023)
141 Minm | United States of America | Drama | 2023-12-25
Kisah puluhan tahun tentang cinta dan ketahanan serta perjalanan seorang wanita menuju kemerdekaan. Celie menghadapi banyak kesulitan dalam hidupnya, namun pada akhirnya menemukan kekuatan dan harapan luar biasa dalam ikatan persaudaraan yang tak terpatahkan.
A decades-spanning tale of love and resilience and of one woman's journey to independence. Celie faces many hardships in her life, but ultimately finds extraordinary strength and hope in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.
A decades-spanning tale of love and resilience and of one woman's journey to independence. Celie faces many hardships in her life, but ultimately finds extraordinary strength and hope in the unbreakable bonds of sisterhood.
Directors: Blitz Bazawule
Writer: Marsha Norman, Alice Walker, Marcus Gardley
Starring: Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P Henson, Danielle Brooks
Writer: Marsha Norman, Alice Walker, Marcus Gardley
Starring: Fantasia Barrino, Taraji P Henson, Danielle Brooks
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