The Dirty South (2023)
107 Minm | United States of America, United Kingdom | Action, Crime, Drama | 2023-11-10
Sue Parker berjuang mati-matian untuk menyelamatkan bisnis keluarganya yang gagal, tertatih-tatih di ambang kehancuran karena kelalaian ayahnya. Dengan kedatangan seorang pengembara yang menawan, dia melihatnya sebagai satu-satunya harapan mereka untuk membantu mencegah bar mereka disita oleh taipan lokal yang kejam.
Sue Parker is thrust into a desperate struggle to rescue her family's failing business, teetering on the edge of ruin due to her father's negligence. With the arrival of a charming wanderer, she sees him as their sole hope to help prevent their bar from being seized by the merciless local tycoon.
Sue Parker is thrust into a desperate struggle to rescue her family's failing business, teetering on the edge of ruin due to her father's negligence. With the arrival of a charming wanderer, she sees him as their sole hope to help prevent their bar from being seized by the merciless local tycoon.
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