The Firing Squad (2024)
93 Minm | United States of America | Drama | 2024-08-02
Berdasarkan kisah nyata tiga tahanan Kristen yang menghadapi hukuman mati di negara dunia ketiga dan bagaimana sukacita mereka dalam Kristus menghasilkan sebuah kesimpulan yang menakjubkan.
Based on the true story of three Christian prisoners who face execution in a third world country and how their joy in Christ results in a stunning conclusion.
Based on the true story of three Christian prisoners who face execution in a third world country and how their joy in Christ results in a stunning conclusion.
Directors: Timothy A Chey
Writer: Timothy A Chey
Starring: James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo, Cuba Gooding Jr
Writer: Timothy A Chey
Starring: James Barrington, Kevin Sorbo, Cuba Gooding Jr
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