The Forge (2024)
123 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Family | 2024-08-22
Isaiah Wright berusia 19 tahun hidup untuk bola basket dan video game. Setahun di luar sekolah menengah, dia tidak punya pekerjaan, tidak ada rencana, dan tidak tahu bagaimana menjadi seorang pria. Berbeda dengan ibu tunggal Cynthia, Yesaya diberi ultimatum - untuk melangkah atau pindah. Merasakan tarikan dari teman -temannya dan dorongan dari ibunya, Yesaya dipekerjakan oleh Moore Fitness, tidak menyadari bagaimana pemiliknya secara pribadi akan berdampak pada hidupnya. Dengan doa -doa ibunya dan bimbingan tak terduga dari mentor barunya, Yesaya terpaksa berurusan dengan masa lalunya, mengorbankan keegoisannya dan menemukan bagaimana Tuhan memiliki tujuan yang lebih besar untuk hidupnya.
19 year old Isaiah Wright lives for basketball and video games. A year out of high school, he has no job, no plans, and no idea how to be a man. At odds with his single mother Cynthia, Isaiah is given an ultimatum – to step up or move out. Feeling the pull from his friends and the push from his mom, Isaiah is hired by Moore Fitness, unaware of how the owner will personally impact his life. With the prayers of his mother and unexpected guidance from his new mentor, Isaiah is forced to deal with his past, sacrifice his selfishness and discover how God might have a greater purpose for his life.
19 year old Isaiah Wright lives for basketball and video games. A year out of high school, he has no job, no plans, and no idea how to be a man. At odds with his single mother Cynthia, Isaiah is given an ultimatum – to step up or move out. Feeling the pull from his friends and the push from his mom, Isaiah is hired by Moore Fitness, unaware of how the owner will personally impact his life. With the prayers of his mother and unexpected guidance from his new mentor, Isaiah is forced to deal with his past, sacrifice his selfishness and discover how God might have a greater purpose for his life.
Directors: Alex Kendrick
Writer: Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick
Starring: Aspen Kennedy Wilson, Priscilla C Shirer, Cameron Arnett
Writer: Stephen Kendrick, Alex Kendrick
Starring: Aspen Kennedy Wilson, Priscilla C Shirer, Cameron Arnett
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