The Ghost (2023)
20 Minm | United States of America | Drama, Fantasy | 2023-09-29
Clarice Cheung yang berusia 12 tahun merasa dirinya tidak terlihat — terutama jika berada di samping kakak perempuannya, Naomi. Namun saat terjadi perkelahian di meja makan, ia membangunkan hantu yang mulai merenggut keluarga tersebut, satu per satu. Kini Clarice dan Naomi harus bekerja sama untuk menghentikan semangat kuat tersebut, sebelum keluarga mereka terkoyak selamanya.
12-year-old Clarice Cheung feels like she’s invisible — especially next to her older sister Naomi. But when a fight breaks out at the dinner table, it awakens a ghost that begins taking the family, one by one. Now Clarice and Naomi must work together to stop this powerful spirit, before their family is torn apart forever.
12-year-old Clarice Cheung feels like she’s invisible — especially next to her older sister Naomi. But when a fight breaks out at the dinner table, it awakens a ghost that begins taking the family, one by one. Now Clarice and Naomi must work together to stop this powerful spirit, before their family is torn apart forever.
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