Oda Nobunaga dan Nōhime awalnya menikah untuk memperbaiki hubungan permusuhan antar wilayah tetangga. Sayangnya, keduanya bagaikan minyak dan air, sehingga menyebabkan pernikahan menjadi tidak bahagia. Ketika musuh Oda, Imagawa Yoshimoto, menyerang Owari dengan pasukannya yang besar, Oda hancur karena kesenjangan kekuatan militer yang sangat besar. Namun, Nohime mendorongnya untuk tidak putus asa, dan pasangan tersebut menyusun rencana taktis yang akan memungkinkan mereka mengatasi rintangan.
Oda Nobunaga and Nōhime were originally married to mend a hostile relationship between neighbouring regions. Unfortunately, they were like oil and water, making for a somewhat unhappy marriage. When Oda's enemy, Imagawa Yoshimoto, attacks Owari with his vast army, Oda is devastated by the overwhelming gap in military strength. However, Nohime encourages him not to despair, and the pair draw up a tactical plan that will allow them to overcome the odds.
Oda Nobunaga and Nōhime were originally married to mend a hostile relationship between neighbouring regions. Unfortunately, they were like oil and water, making for a somewhat unhappy marriage. When Oda's enemy, Imagawa Yoshimoto, attacks Owari with his vast army, Oda is devastated by the overwhelming gap in military strength. However, Nohime encourages him not to despair, and the pair draw up a tactical plan that will allow them to overcome the odds.
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