The Long Game (2024)
110 Minm | United States of America, Colombia | Drama, Family | 2024-04-12
Di Texas yang terpisah, lima remaja Meksiko-Amerika dilarang bermain di country club tempat mereka bekerja. Melawan segala rintangan, mereka membentuk tim mereka sendiri, membangun lapangan satu lubang di lapangan, dan memenangkan kejuaraan Texas State tahun 1957. Berdasarkan kisah nyata.
In a segregated Texas, five Mexican-American teenage caddies were prohibited from playing at the country club where they worked. Against all odds, they formed their own team, built a one-hole course in the fields, and won the 1957 Texas State championship. Based on a true story.
In a segregated Texas, five Mexican-American teenage caddies were prohibited from playing at the country club where they worked. Against all odds, they formed their own team, built a one-hole course in the fields, and won the 1957 Texas State championship. Based on a true story.
Directors: Julio Quintana
Writer: Humberto G Garcia, Julio Quintana, Paco Farias
Starring: Jay Hernandez, Dennis Quaid, Cheech Marin
Writer: Humberto G Garcia, Julio Quintana, Paco Farias
Starring: Jay Hernandez, Dennis Quaid, Cheech Marin
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