The Man in the Guest House (2024)
87 Minm | United States of America | Thriller | 2024-02-18
Ketika pasangan muda menemukan seseorang untuk menyewakan garasi mereka yang telah diubah, mereka senang memiliki sumber penghasilan tambahan. Namun mereka segera menyadari bahwa penghuni penginapan mereka mungkin bukanlah penyewa impian seperti yang mereka kira.
When a young couple finds someone to rent out their converted garage, they’re happy to have an additional source of income. But soon they realize that their lodger may not be the dream tenant that they thought he was.
When a young couple finds someone to rent out their converted garage, they’re happy to have an additional source of income. But soon they realize that their lodger may not be the dream tenant that they thought he was.
Directors: John Murlowski
Writer: Adam Balsam
Starring: Kristen Alderson, Ignacyo Matynia, Allen Williamson
Writer: Adam Balsam
Starring: Kristen Alderson, Ignacyo Matynia, Allen Williamson
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