The Miracle Club (2023)
90 Minm | United States of America, United Kingdom, Ireland | Comedy, Drama | 2023-07-14
Tiga teman dekat yang tidak pernah meninggalkan pinggiran Dublin (apalagi Irlandia) mendapatkan perjalanan seumur hidup - kunjungan ke Lourdes, kota Prancis yang indah dan tempat mukjizat.
Three close friends who have never left the outskirts of Dublin (much less Ireland) get the journey of a lifetime — a visit to Lourdes, the picturesque French town and place of miracles.
Three close friends who have never left the outskirts of Dublin (much less Ireland) get the journey of a lifetime — a visit to Lourdes, the picturesque French town and place of miracles.
Directors: Thaddeus OSullivan
Writer: Timothy Prager, Jimmy Smallhorne, Joshua Maurer
Starring: Maggie Smith, Laura Linney, Kathy Bates
Writer: Timothy Prager, Jimmy Smallhorne, Joshua Maurer
Starring: Maggie Smith, Laura Linney, Kathy Bates
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