The Pastor (2024)
89 Minm | United States of America | Action, Crime, Drama | 2024-10-11
Di bagian kota yang hampir terlupakan, yang dilanda serangan geng yang kejam, sebuah komunitas berjuang dengan iman dan kepercayaan mereka kepada Tuhan ketika mereka melihat lingkungan mereka terkoyak dan generasi muda mereka menjadi sasaran perekrutan oleh geng tersebut. Bahkan gereja lokal kesulitan untuk tetap menyalakan lampunya karena kurangnya antusiasme jemaatnya. Namun, semua ini mulai berubah ketika seorang pendeta misterius datang untuk memimpin gereja. Dengan imannya di tangan dan Tuhan di sisinya, Pendeta Miguel bertekad untuk menginspirasi komunitas untuk bertindak, memberdayakan kaum muda, dan pada akhirnya menyalakan kembali iman komunitas kepada Tuhan.
In an almost-forgotten part of town overrun by a ruthless gang infestation, a community is struggling with their faith and belief in God as they see their neighborhoods torn apart and their youth targeted for recruitment by the gangs. Even the local church struggles just to keep the lights on because of its barely-existent congregation's lack of enthusiasm. However, all this begins to change when a mysterious pastor arrives to lead the church. With his faith in hand and God by his side, Pastor Miguel sets out to inspire the community into action, empower the youth, and ultimately to re-ignite the community's faith in God.
In an almost-forgotten part of town overrun by a ruthless gang infestation, a community is struggling with their faith and belief in God as they see their neighborhoods torn apart and their youth targeted for recruitment by the gangs. Even the local church struggles just to keep the lights on because of its barely-existent congregation's lack of enthusiasm. However, all this begins to change when a mysterious pastor arrives to lead the church. With his faith in hand and God by his side, Pastor Miguel sets out to inspire the community into action, empower the youth, and ultimately to re-ignite the community's faith in God.
Directors: Paco Aguilar, Hector Echavarria
Writer: Hector Echavarria
Starring: Kevin Sorbo, Taylor Kalupa, Emily Rainey
Writer: Hector Echavarria
Starring: Kevin Sorbo, Taylor Kalupa, Emily Rainey
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