The Plot (2024)
100 Minm | South Korea | Crime, Thriller | 2024-05-29
Young-il adalah seorang komplotan yang memanipulasi kasus pembunuhan untuk disewa agar terlihat seperti kecelakaan. Tak seorang pun tahu bahwa kecelakaan-kecelakaan itu sebenarnya adalah pembunuhan yang direncanakan dan direncanakan dengan sempurna. Setelah menyelesaikan kasus yang direncanakan dengan sempurna tanpa jejak bukti yang tertinggal, Young-il menerima permintaan baru. Sasaran barunya adalah tokoh politik terkemuka yang selalu menjadi sorotan. Meski risiko terekspos lebih tinggi, Young-il memutuskan untuk menangani kasus ini bersama anggota timnya, Jackie, Wol-cheon, dan Jeom-man. Ketika alur ceritanya sudah siap setelah persiapan yang matang dan banyak latihan, tim akhirnya mulai bergerak, namun beberapa masalah tak terduga mengancam rencana sempurna Young-il.
Young-il is a plotter who manipulates murder-for-hire cases to look like accidents. Nobody knows those accidents are in fact perfectly plotted, planned murders. After finishing a flawlessly plotted case with no trace of evidence left behind, Young-il receives a new request. His new target is a prominent political figure who is always under the spotlight. Even with the higher risk of getting exposed, Young-il decides to take the case with his team members, Jackie, Wol-cheon, and Jeom-man. When the plot is ready after immaculate preparation and numerous rehearsals, the team finally makes its move, but some unexpected trouble threatens Young-il’s perfect plan.
Young-il is a plotter who manipulates murder-for-hire cases to look like accidents. Nobody knows those accidents are in fact perfectly plotted, planned murders. After finishing a flawlessly plotted case with no trace of evidence left behind, Young-il receives a new request. His new target is a prominent political figure who is always under the spotlight. Even with the higher risk of getting exposed, Young-il decides to take the case with his team members, Jackie, Wol-cheon, and Jeom-man. When the plot is ready after immaculate preparation and numerous rehearsals, the team finally makes its move, but some unexpected trouble threatens Young-il’s perfect plan.
Directors: Lee Yosup
Writer: Lee Yosup, Szeto KamYuen, Nicholl Tang NikKei
Starring: Gang Dongwon, Lee Moosaeng, Lee Misook
Writer: Lee Yosup, Szeto KamYuen, Nicholl Tang NikKei
Starring: Gang Dongwon, Lee Moosaeng, Lee Misook
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