The Reverend and Mrs Simpson (2022)
95 Minm | United Kingdom | Drama | 2022-06-21
Penemuan sisa-sisa manusia di halaman gereja berhubungan dengan kesulitan yang dihadapi oleh seorang wanita Jerman dan putranya 40 tahun sebelumnya ketika mereka mencoba membangun kehidupan baru di Inggris pada tahun 1950-an.
The discovery of human remains at a churchyard connects to the hardships faced by a German woman and her son 40 years earlier as they tried to build a new life in 1950s Britain.
The discovery of human remains at a churchyard connects to the hardships faced by a German woman and her son 40 years earlier as they tried to build a new life in 1950s Britain.
Directors: Richard DeeRoberts
Writer: Richard DeeRoberts
Starring: Richard DeeRoberts, Anne Scherliess, Julian Glover
Writer: Richard DeeRoberts
Starring: Richard DeeRoberts, Anne Scherliess, Julian Glover
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