The Three Musketeers: Milady (2023)
121 Minm | France, Spain, Belgium | Action, Drama, Adventure | 2023-12-13
D'Artagnan, dalam pencarian untuk menyelamatkan Constance yang diculik, bertemu dengan Milady de Winter yang misterius lagi. Ketegangan antara umat Katolik dan Protestan akhirnya meningkat, ketika raja menyatakan perang - memaksa empat musketeer yang sekarang menjadi pertempuran. Tetapi seiring berjalannya perang, mereka diuji secara fisik, mental dan emosional.
D'Artagnan, on a quest to rescue the abducted Constance, runs into the mysterious Milady de Winter again. The tension between the Catholics and the Protestants finally escalates, as the king declares war — forcing the now four musketeers into battle. But as the war goes on, they are tested physically, mentally and emotionally.
D'Artagnan, on a quest to rescue the abducted Constance, runs into the mysterious Milady de Winter again. The tension between the Catholics and the Protestants finally escalates, as the king declares war — forcing the now four musketeers into battle. But as the war goes on, they are tested physically, mentally and emotionally.
Directors: Martin Bourboulon
Writer: Alexandre de La Patellire, Matthieu Delaporte, Alexandre Dumas
Starring: Franois Civil, Vincent Cassel, Romain Duris
Writer: Alexandre de La Patellire, Matthieu Delaporte, Alexandre Dumas
Starring: Franois Civil, Vincent Cassel, Romain Duris
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