Prancis dalam kekacauan dan raja baru yang naif mendapati dirinya dimanipulasi oleh kardinal jahat Richelieu. Dengan komandan korup penjaga kerajaan di sisinya, Kardinal menggunakan keahlian Milady de Winter yang licik dan jahat dalam sebuah plot untuk menjatuhkan monarki dan menyeret negara ke dalam perang. Saat Prancis membakar Kardinal akan mengambil kendali. Semua yang ada di antara mereka dan kemenangan adalah sisa -sisa kelompok elit yang mengenakan kesetiaan kepada mahkota dan negara. Di atas segalanya, Musketeers akan menentang peluang untuk menggagalkan plot mematikan ini.
France is in turmoil and a new, naive King finds himself manipulated by the evil Cardinal Richelieu. With a corrupt commander of the royal guard by his side the Cardinal employs the expertise of the devious and wicked Milady de Winter in a plot to bring down the monarchy and drag the country into war. As France burns the Cardinal will take control. All that stands between them and victory are the remnants of an elite group who wore loyalty to crown and country. Above all else The Musketeers will stand against the odds to foil this deadly plot.
France is in turmoil and a new, naive King finds himself manipulated by the evil Cardinal Richelieu. With a corrupt commander of the royal guard by his side the Cardinal employs the expertise of the devious and wicked Milady de Winter in a plot to bring down the monarchy and drag the country into war. As France burns the Cardinal will take control. All that stands between them and victory are the remnants of an elite group who wore loyalty to crown and country. Above all else The Musketeers will stand against the odds to foil this deadly plot.
Directors: Bill Thomas
Writer: Alexandre Dumas, Bill Thomas, Ray Bogdanovich
Starring: Malachi PullarLatchman, Jake J Meniani, Ben Freeman
Writer: Alexandre Dumas, Bill Thomas, Ray Bogdanovich
Starring: Malachi PullarLatchman, Jake J Meniani, Ben Freeman