The Universe Where (2023)
70 Minm | United States of America | Comedy, Drama | 2023-07-16
Sebuah komedi dramatis tentang perjuangan masa dewasa muda dan ketidakpastian masa depan, "The Universe Where" mengambil twist baru pada kisah masa depan dan rintangan mental dalam mengejar mimpi.
A dramatic comedy about the struggles of young adulthood and the uncertainty of the future, "The Universe Where" takes a new twist on a coming-of-age story and the mental hurdles of following a dream.
A dramatic comedy about the struggles of young adulthood and the uncertainty of the future, "The Universe Where" takes a new twist on a coming-of-age story and the mental hurdles of following a dream.
Directors: Karol Nowak III
Writer: Karol Nowak III
Starring: Samantha Brooks, Magnus Sundberg, Brett Walkow
Writer: Karol Nowak III
Starring: Samantha Brooks, Magnus Sundberg, Brett Walkow
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