The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry (2023)
108 Minm | United Kingdom | Drama | 2023-04-27
Harold Fry adalah pria yang biasa -biasa saja yang telah membuat kesalahan dengan semua hal penting: menjadi suami, ayah dan teman. Dan sekarang, hingga usia 60 -an, dia puas memudar dengan tenang ke latar belakang kehidupan. Sampai suatu hari - Harold mengetahui teman lamanya, Queenie sedang sekarat. Harold meninggalkan rumah, berjalan ke kantor posnya untuk mengiriminya surat. Dan tiba -tiba, Harold memutuskan untuk terus berjalan, sampai ke rumah sakitnya, 450 mil jauhnya.
Harold Fry is an unremarkable man who has made mistakes with all the important things: being a husband, a father and a friend. And now, well into his 60s, he is content to fade quietly into the background of life. Until, one day – Harold learns his old friend Queenie is dying. Harold leaves home, walking to his post office to send her a letter. And out of the blue, Harold decides to keep walking, all the way to her hospice, 450 miles away.
Harold Fry is an unremarkable man who has made mistakes with all the important things: being a husband, a father and a friend. And now, well into his 60s, he is content to fade quietly into the background of life. Until, one day – Harold learns his old friend Queenie is dying. Harold leaves home, walking to his post office to send her a letter. And out of the blue, Harold decides to keep walking, all the way to her hospice, 450 miles away.
Directors: Hettie Macdonald
Writer: Rachel Joyce, Rachel Joyce
Starring: Jim Broadbent, Penelope Wilton, Linda Bassett
Writer: Rachel Joyce, Rachel Joyce
Starring: Jim Broadbent, Penelope Wilton, Linda Bassett
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